Dr Oetker Keskul 139 gr
Another dessert with traditional stories. It is prepared by cooking with 750 ml of milk. Contains ground almonds. To prepare bitter almond keskul, you need to look at the back of the Turkish market packaging. You can now order this wonderful Dr Oetker flavour from our Best Grocery online market at any date and time you want.
Dr Oetker Keskul 139 gr
Keskul is one of the most popular milk desserts of the Turkish Table. It is one of the most delicious recipes that came to our kitchen from the Ottoman table. Although Keskul seems light, it is actually high in calories and is a very nutritious and energizing dessert. It is possible to say this easily, considering the ingredients such as coconut, rice flour and starch. Let us not forget to mention two more indispensable ingredients of Keskul dessert. Rice is one of the ingredients that contribute to the energizing aspect of the Turkish market keskul dessert. Rice provides carbohydrates to the body. So, rice is one of the major food sources that provide you with energy for your daily routines.