Bodrum Black Eye Beans (Borulce) 500 g
Cowpea, which is from the legume family, is a very tasty and nutritious plant with its hot, meaty and olive oil dishes, as well as salads and Turkish grocery pickles. It is a plant similar to green beans, fibrous and highly nutritious. It is very rich in zero cholesterol, Sodium, Potassium and carbohydrates. Moreover, it contains A, C, Calcium, Iron, B6 and Magnesium.
Bodrum Black Eye Beans 500 g
Soluble fibre found in fresh cowpea helps to reduce bad cholesterol. While these fibres separate cholesterol from the blood, they facilitate blood flow, relax the vessels and prevent the formation of vascular occlusions. Soluble fibre in the structure of the fresh Turkish grocery cowpea helps to maintain the sugar balance by allowing the carbohydrates contained in the cowpea to pass into the blood slowly. It does not raise or lower blood sugar instantly. Therefore, it can be easily consumed by diabetics. We can get half of our vitamin A requirement, which is very important for the health of both our eyesight and the health of our immune system, from just a glass of black-eyed peas. Thanks to this feature, fresh cowpea is called both a good source of vitamin A and a cancer protector.