Tamek Boiled White Beans (Haslanmis Fasulye) 800g
Tamek Boiled Whited Beans make your life easier in the kitchen and offers practical solutions for meals. Thanks to Tamek boiled white beans, there is no need to soak them in water the night before and then boil them. You save time and can prepare delicious best grocery stores recipes in a practical way. Tamek Boiled White Beans reach your table in tin cans.
Tamek Boiled White Beans makes your life easier in the kitchen and offers practical solutions for meals. Thanks to Tamek's boiled white beans, there is no need to soak them in water the night before and then boil them. You can save time and prepare delicious recipes in a practical way. Tamek Boiled White Beans are delivered to your table in tin cans. Preparation is quite simple, drain the water, put it in your pot with your ingredients and cook for about 10 minutes. Your best grocery stores beans are ready.