Uludag Sade Gazoz 6*250 ml
Due to the delivery restrictions, you can order up to 3 multipacks of 6 bottles of gazoz in each order.
Since 1930, Legendary Uludag Gazoz continues to produce by improving itself and adding flavour to its taste for you. Now, Legendary Uludag soda, one of its best-selling products, is offered for sale in glass bottles of 250 ml in packs of 6. Selling it in this way has enabled it to be consumed more and has become more economically affordable. Legendary Uludag soda is produced for you from Uludag water and sugar beets. One of the biggest features of its special London Turkish market aroma is that it is produced naturally.
Uludag Legendary Carbonated Soft Drink 6*250 ml
It has many flavours other than plain and fruit flavours. For example, strawberry, orange and ginger. One of the biggest reasons why the legendary Uludag soda brand is preferred is that it is sold in glass bottles. As many of us know, glass bottles are healthier than other materials. Another benefit of being glass is that it maintains the gas level as long as it is not left open. It is impossible for an unopened London Turkish market product to come out without gas because it is offered for sale under the control of Best Grocery.