Melis Apple Vinegar 500 ml
Melis Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best quality vinegars on the market today. It is made entirely of apples and is a handcraft product of Turkey. Vinegar is made from selected Turkish market apples that are harvested at just the right time, when they are ripe and at the peak of their flavour.
Melis Apple Vinegar 500 ml
Apples are carefully picked and washed, crushed and aged in oak barrels. The aging process is very important to create the unique sour and fruity flavour of vinegar. The result is full-bodied, aromatic vinegar that can be used to enhance a variety of dishes. Whether you're looking for a dressing for salads or a flavour enhancer for sauces, Melis Apple Cider Vinegar is the perfect choice. Its high quality and unique Turkish market aroma make it a great addition to any kitchen.